Cradle of Humanity
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AN Mus Pfx SN Sfx FN Year StudyArea Loc CollA Formation Member Horizon Class Order Family Subfamily Tribe GenusQualifier Genus SpeciesQualifier Species Taxon BodyElement Side PartDescription Excavation SqrNmbr Publication GeoAge Age Lat Lon life_stage gender type provenance Comment Analysis PartAnalysed Fig. Media Photo
KNM-068 403 KNM 068 403 Tugen Hills, Kenya Chemeron Fm. Loxodonta adaurora adaurora m3 m3
KNM-16 KNM 16 Kanapoi Formation Colubrinae indet. posteriormost precloacal vertebra posteriormost precloacal vertebra Pliocene
KNM-21 22 KNM 21 22 Kanapoi Formation Caenophidia Hoffstetter, 1939; Elapoidea Boie, 1827cf. Atractaspididae Günther, 1858; Gen et sp. Indet. precloacal vertebra precloacal vertebra Pliocene Fig. 3B
KNM-4 15 KNM 4 15 Kanapoi Formation Colubrinae indet. six partial precloacal vertebrae, three posterior precloacal vertebrae, three partial caudal vertebrae six partial precloacal vertebrae, three posterior precloacal vertebrae, three partial caudal vertebrae Pliocene
KNM-AT 20 KNM AT 20 Aterir, Kenya ANANCUS Aymard, 1855; ANANCUS ULTIMUS SP. NOV. l. m3 l. m3
KNM-BC 1627 KNM BC 1627 Tugen Hills Chemeron Fm. ANANCUS Aymard, 1855; ANANCUS ULTIMUS SP. NOV. l. M2 or M3 fragment l. M2 or M3 fragment
KNM-BC 1628 KNM BC 1628 Tugen Hills Chemeron Fm. ANANCUS Aymard, 1855; ANANCUS ULTIMUS SP. NOV. r. M1 or M2 fragment r. M1 or M2 fragment
KNM-BC 1646 KNM BC 1646 Kapchebrit Mabaget Formation Galago sadimanensis | Laetolia sadimanensis left mandibular fragment with p2-p3 and m1 left mandibular fragment with p2-p3 and m1 dimensions 20.17
KNM-BC 1647 A KNM BC 1647 A ?Theropithecus baringensis mandible mandible
KNM-BC 1655 KNM BC 1655 Tugen Hills Chemeron Fm. ANANCUS Aymard, 1855; ANANCUS ULTIMUS SP. NOV. l. dentary fragment with m3 l. dentary fragment with m3
KNM-BC 1657 KNM BC 1657 Theropithecus
KNM-BC 2 KNM BC 2 Theropithecus
KNM-BC 2 B KNM BC 2 B Theropithecus mandible mandible type
KNM-BC 3 KNM BC 3 Paracolobus chemeroni
KNM-BC 33 KNM BC 33 Tugen Hills Chemeron Fm. ANANCUS Aymard, 1855; ANANCUS ULTIMUS SP. NOV. l. M3 l. M3
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